miércoles, abril 22, 2009



Sobre a Revista

Cada edição de DataGramaZero se propõe reunir textos, por afinidade temática, destinados às seções de artigos, comunicações e recensões visando divulgar e promover perspectivas críticas fundamentadas em áreas interdisciplinares da Ciência da Informação, tais como Informação e Sociedade, Informação e Políticas Públicas, Informação e Filosofia ou Informação e Comunicação.

G. L. de Souza (IASI)
Conselho Editorial e Científico:
Aldo de Albuquerque Barreto (IBICT),

Aurora de La Vega (Universidad Católica del Perú)

Cláudio Starec (Faculdade Senac)

Joana Coeli Ribeiro Garcia ( UFPB),

Johanna W. Smit (USP)

Marcelo Bax (ECI/UFMG),

Rosali Fernandez de Souza (IBICT),
Suzana Pinheiro Machado Müeller (UnB),
Vera Silvia Marão Beraquet (PUC-Campinas)



Rivista elettronica per le biblioteche

Números desde 1998 al presente


miércoles, abril 15, 2009

Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios

Publicación trimestral, editada por la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios (AAB)

(Acceso abierto pero con embargo de 6 meses)


Journal of Information Literacy

Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic journal that aims to investigate Information Literacy (IL) within a wide range of settings. Papers on any topic related to the practical, technological or philosophical issues raised by the attempt to increase information literacy throughout society are encouraged. JIL is published in electronic format only. The aim of JIL is to investigate and to make generalised observations on how Information Literacy impacts on organisations, systems and the individual. While recognising the firm foothold already established by IL in the Higher Education sector, the editorial board, seeks to consolidate and extend this to a wider educational audience. Furthermore the board welcomes ever-wider interpretations of IL that extend its theoretical interpretation and practical use beyond the educational arena and across national frontiers. Refereed papers (Max. 7000 words) can be either practical or theoretical in their approach. Practical papers can document current or recent work or ideas in progress. Theoretical papers should have an assured academic basis and an analytical approach. Each issue, in addition to refereed papers, contains other items such as, short response papers, commentaries, research proposals and reviews of relevant literature i.e. books, web sites, VLEs, etc. Conference and seminar reports should be discussed with the editors in advance of submission, although an invitation to submit does not in any way guarantee publication. JIL encourages contributions that fall outside the above scope provided they are considered highly innovative.


Information Research

Information Research, is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines. It is privately published and edited by Professor T.D. Wilson. It is hosted, and given technical support, by Lund University Libraries, Sweden. Editorial support is provided by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Gothenburg University and Högskolan i Borås.


El Profesional de la Información

El profesional de la información es una revista sobre información, bibliotecas y nuevas tecnologías de la información.
Primera revista española de Biblioteconomía y Documentación indexada por las dos bases de datos
bibliográficas internacionales más importantes: ISI Social Science Citation Index y Scopus


jueves, abril 09, 2009

Collaborative Librarianship

Focus and Scope

Increasingly, libraries are moved to seek partnerships with other libraries, with other organizations in the information and technology fields, with other entities in our institutions, and with other groups and enterprises in our communities. While partnerships of all sorts have had a long history in the field of librarianship, today, as never before, there is greater urgency to develop and exploit library partnerships, and to think widely and creatively on new types of, and potentials for, partnerships.

Published materials appear from time to time on library cooperation and partnerships. Most recently, the America Library Association produced the volume, Burgett, James, John Hear and Linda L. Phillips. Collaborative Collection Development. A Practical Guide for Your Library (Chicago: ALA, 2004), 211 p. From time to time, articles appear in various library journals. These welcomed items provide insightful analyses of cases and opportunities of cooperative librarianship. At present, to my knowledge, there is no journal dedicated to the topic of cooperative librarianship, or dedicated to any aspect of resource sharing or coordinated library services.

As the issue rises in importance and urgency, perhaps now is the time to create an organum for treating consistently and comprehensively the matter of cooperative librarianship.


Such a journal on cooperative librarianship would meet, in part, some of the goals identified at the June CALC General Meeting as important to academic libraries. These include:

  • “To improve access to and delivery of information resources. Promote knowledge infrastructure for Colorado.”
  • “To develop a system of sustainable ongoing resources to maintain and develop an excellent library system for Colorado.”
  • “To enhance human resource development at CALC Libraries: … Publish an academic online journal.”
  • What is good for Colorado in this regard may also be good for the wider library community in the United States and elsewhere.
